Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thank You

Dear Third Grade Families,

It is hard to believe that the end of the year has arrived!  It has been my pleasure to work with such a great group of bright, kind, enthusiastic learners!  I will surely miss them all next year!

 I have enclosed a review packet of multiplication, division, fraction, and geometry activities in your child's summer envelope, and Mrs. Buley has placed a summer reading packet in the envelope, too.  Keep practicing the multiplication facts and read each day throughout the summer.  Do the worksheets on rainy days, if you have a chance.

Third graders had a grand time at Field Day this week.  Enjoy the photos below!





What a great group!!!

Have a wonderful summer!!!

Keelin M. Simpson

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Classroom News


Dear Third Grade Families,

We are finishing up our science units about inherited traits, life cycles, and plant and animal adaptations this month.  Third graders have conducted research about a Vermont bird to learn about habitats, life cycles, adaptations, and inherited traits.  Students chose a way to present their research.  Third graders chose to create slideshows, skits, cartoons, posters, and games to present their research. 

We learned about the life cycle of chickens and were visited by chicks and chickens from Shelburne Farms this spring.
Third graders also completed the assignment of inventing a bird.  Students chose one of Earth’s biomes and invented a bird that would have the behavioral and inherited adaptations to survive in that biome.  After each student sketched their invented bird, he/she worked with Ms. Terracino to create a 3-D model of their invented bird out of paper mache, paint, and other supplies. 

In social studies, students were involved earlier this year in producing "green screen" videos of the explorers upon which they did research reports. 
The children would love to share their work on these projects with you. Please stop by your child's Home Room classroom whenever it is convenient for you between 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM on Thursday, June 14th.  

Remember that we will also be having a Pizza Party to celebrate our year in third grade on June 14th.  Children will not need to bring a lunch that day. Children are invited to bring a card or board game from home to school to play with their classmates during the party.  Please click on the link below if you are able to sign up to contribute an item for the party.  Thank you!

Keelin Simpson