Thursday, December 22, 2016

Winter Celebration

Third graders had a blast at our winter celebration today!  Students were cozy in their pajamas and had fun playing games and sharing their stuffed animals with their classmates.

Thank you to our Room Parent, Kayana Pearson, for organizing food and fun crafts for the party!

Thank you to Jenna Hardy for running a face painting station at our celebration, and thank you to all families who contributed snacks, Grinch fruit kabobs, cheese and crackers, and lots of fresh fruit!

Have a wonderful winter break, and happy holidays to all!

Keelin Simpson

Monday, December 19, 2016

Bird Museum of Vermont Field Trip


We had a great time at the Bird Museum of Vermont in Huntington!  Every student was able to see a life size model of the bird he/she has researched!

We took a hike in the woods to look for birds in their natural habitat.

   It was fun to eat lunch at the museum.
We built miniature bird houses together.

We had a great day of fun and learning!   Thank you to Mrs. Flickinger and Mr. Melen for enjoying this field trip with us!