Thursday, December 22, 2016

Winter Celebration

Third graders had a blast at our winter celebration today!  Students were cozy in their pajamas and had fun playing games and sharing their stuffed animals with their classmates.

Thank you to our Room Parent, Kayana Pearson, for organizing food and fun crafts for the party!

Thank you to Jenna Hardy for running a face painting station at our celebration, and thank you to all families who contributed snacks, Grinch fruit kabobs, cheese and crackers, and lots of fresh fruit!

Have a wonderful winter break, and happy holidays to all!

Keelin Simpson

Monday, December 19, 2016

Bird Museum of Vermont Field Trip


We had a great time at the Bird Museum of Vermont in Huntington!  Every student was able to see a life size model of the bird he/she has researched!

We took a hike in the woods to look for birds in their natural habitat.

   It was fun to eat lunch at the museum.
We built miniature bird houses together.

We had a great day of fun and learning!   Thank you to Mrs. Flickinger and Mr. Melen for enjoying this field trip with us!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Bird Museum of Vermont Field Trip On Friday!!!

Dear Third Grade Families,
          Third graders will be going on a field trip on Friday, December 2rd, 2016.  We will be going to the Bird Museum of Vermont in Huntington.  This trip is planned as part of our science unit on animal adaptations.  The children have also been doing research projects on different birds in preparation for the field trip. 
We will be leaving at 9:30 AM, and we will return to school at approximately 2:00 PM. 
          We will be out in the woods for a portion of the field trip, so please make sure that your child is dressed warmly on Friday.  Students should bring a hat, gloves, boots, a warm coat, etc… 
          Students will need a bag lunch on Friday with a beverage.  Please don’t send any glass bottles.  Students should pack a snack to eat while on the field trip, too.  If your child would like to order a bag lunch from school, please place the order by Wednesday, November 30th.   
          Please email me with any questions.  We are looking forward to a fun, educational experience!
Keelin Simpson

Friday, November 11, 2016

November News From Room 15

Hello, Third Grade Families!

Third graders have completed another busy week!  We have finished our reading unit on “Building a Reading Life”, which has focused upon developing good reading habits and strategies, and developing our skills in identifying the elements of fictional text.  Next week, we will conduct our pre-assessment before starting our second reading unit of study. In this unit, students will explore the text structures of informational text.  Please encourage your child to make this shift in their at-home reading as well. They may certainly continue to read those wonderful stories and fantasies, but we appreciate it if you will help your child to delve a little deeper into the joys of nonfiction!


In math, we are continuing our study of multiplication concepts and skills. This week students were engaged in activities that challenged them to use arrays in order to solve problems. They discovered that there are many strategies that will lead to a correct answer, although some are more efficient than others. In Number Corner, we have learned about liquid measurement, computation, multiplication strategies, and geometric shapes.


Our writers continue to work on skills related to sentence and paragraph structure, and using appropriate grammar, usage, and mechanics.

In social studies, we have learned about being President of the United States.  We learned about the President’s responsibilities as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Chief Executive, Head of State, and Director of Foreign Policy.  We read and had discussions about current candidates and former presidents.


Parent/Student/Teacher conferences will be held on November 20th and 21st. Please be sure to use the Pick-A-Time system to sign up for your conference.  I look forward to discussing your child’s progress! If you need help with using the system, please call Rose at 652-7400.

The Chamberlin Thanksgiving Food Drive is nearly finished.  Please send in donations of non-perishable food items (canned fruits and veggies, bread or muffin mixes, pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, etc…) by Thursday, November 17th


Remember that next week is Spirit Week. Here’s the schedule:

·         Monday is Color Day.  Third graders wear something purple.
·         Tuesday is Sports Day.  Wear any sports team clothing.
·         Wednesday is Mismatched Day.  Wear clothes that don’t match.
·         Thursday is Flannel Day.  Wear any type of flannel clothing.
·         Friday is Chamberlin School Spirit Day.  Wear South Burlington clothes or colors (blue and gray).

 We are in need of disinfecting wipes for our desks and boxes of soft tissues. Please send in a package if you have an extra to spare.  Thank you!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Keelin M. Simpson

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Room 15 News

Dear Third Grade Families,

            We have had fun getting to know each other this school year. Students are getting used to our classroom routines, and they learning to work together.  Here’s some information about what your child is learning in third grade this month.

Third grade writers are publishing and illustrating a favorite personal narrative this month.  Personal narratives are true stories about our lives and experiences.  Third graders have worked on writing with a storyteller’s voice by describing actions, using dialogue, and describing images and feelings.  We have started to learn about writing in paragraph form, and students are learning to punctuate dialogue with commas and quotation marks.  Students are excited to read their work to you at the November Parent/Student/Teacher Conference. 

It’s time to sign up for the November Parent/Student/Teacher Conference.  The information about how to sign up through Pick-A-Time is attached to this notice.  If you are having difficulty with the Pick-A-Time site, please call Rose Dattilio at 652-7400, and she’ll be happy to help you to sign up for a conference time.  I’m looking forward to meeting with you to share about your child’s progress this year!

Third grade mathematicians are learning about multiplication.  They are learning to skip count, see equal groups within pictures, and solve story problems.  We have studied multiplication with ratio tables, arrays, and pictures. 

An important part of third grade math is mastering subtraction facts with numbers up to 20.  Please encourage your child to practice the subtraction facts at Each practice session takes as little as five minutes.  Your child may also practice math facts by playing some of the math games listed on the homework log each week or by using a deck of subtraction flashcards.  Keep a deck of subtraction cards in the family room and practice during television commercials. Practice facts in the car on the way to do errands or while waiting in line at the grocery store.  Practicing facts for a few minutes each day will make math work easier for your child at school. 

Third grade scientists are learning about plant and animal life cycles.  Students are reading nonfiction texts and working on learning activities.  Next, we will be conducting investigations to learn about plant and animal adaptations.  Students will learn that plants and animals have physical and behavioral variations that allow them to adapt and survive in the habitat they live in.  Ask your child to tell you about some of the life cycles they’ve learned about. 

            We are in need of soft tissues for cold season, large and small zip lock bags, and cleaning wipes.  If you have a spare box at home, we would appreciate donations. 

            Please call or email me if you have any questions about the information in this news notice.  Have a great week!
Keelin M. Simpson

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Taiko Drumming Performance Thursday Night!!!

Hello, third grade families! 

Chamberlin students will be taking part in a taiko drumming performance on Thursday evening, September 29th,  at South Burlington High School.  Please arrive at the SBHS gym by 6:30 PM.  Upon arrival, your child should meet up with his/her classmates and teacher, and get into the seating order for the performance. 

Sensei Paton has asked third graders to wear blue jeans or dark colored pants and a red shirt.  Students who don’t have a red shirt, should wear a white or purple shirt.

The children are very excited to perform for you on Thursday evening.  We hope to see you there!


Keelin M. Simpson

Friday, September 23, 2016

Wild About Third Grade!

 Dear Third Grade Families,

            Third graders are off to an excellent start this year! We have an awesome class!  We have been getting to know each other and learning new routines.  Here’s some information about what’s happening in Room 15 this month.
Our class loves to read! We are hooked on books! This class has many favorite series that they are enjoying reading (The Notebook of Doom, Junie B. Jones, The Bailey School Kids, Ricky Riccotta’s Mighty Robot, The Rescue Princesses, Lego Ninjago, Battle Bugs, etc…).  It is exciting to see students who love to get lost in their books each day.  I get goosebumps!  The best way for a student to become a stronger reader is to READ and TALK about the books he/she reads!  Students can read to a sibling, read to grandparents or parents, read silently, or partner read (take turns reading pages). Please encourage your child to read at home each night for 20 minutes.     
Third grade mathematicians have started to learn about the concept of multiplication. Our calendar has pictures of equal groups, ratio tables, and arrays.  Students are learning to write multiplication equations and recognize situations where they might use multiplication.  Third graders have written and conducted surveys and represented data using bar graphs.  Also, students are playing math games each day to help them remember addition and subtraction facts within 20.
Third graders are enjoying working with Chamberlin’s artist in residence, Sensei Stuart Paton of the Burlington Taiko Drummers. Sensei Paton spends 30 – 40 minutes with the third grade each day.  Students are learning the art of Taiko drumming and are being introduced to interesting facts about Japanese culture.  Mark your calendars!  On September 29th, at South Burlington High School, at 6:30 PM, there will be an evening performance by Chamberlin students to show off their new drumming skills. 
Third graders will begin to have homework starting on Monday, October 2.  Homework will be sent home every Monday and should be returned each Friday.  If it’s a busy week, and you need the weekend to finish up homework, that’s okay!  Just send in the homework on Monday. 
Please read the back of this notice for instructions on how to subscribe to our classroom blog.  Subscribe to the blog to view classroom newsletters, updates, and class photographs.
If you have a spare package of Clorox (or other brand) wipes for desk cleaning, please send them in.  Soft tissues for colds and allergies would come in handy, too.
            Please call me (652-7415) or email me ( if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!
Keelin M. Simpson
Mrs. Simpson’s Third Grade Blog
Dear Third Grade Families,
        In order to communicate with you throughout the school year, I will post announcements and updates on our “classroom blog.” Rather than send you a paper newsletter, I will post periodic classroom updates on our blog. This way, you can stay up-to-date with the learning that goes on in room 15!
        You can view the blog at any time through Chamberlin’s webpage, but you must subscribe to the blog in order to receive email updates. There will be some great features, such as sharing pictures, events, and websites. Plus, it’s convenient! The blog posts will be sent directly to your email.
        I hope you join our blog!
Here is how to view the blog and subscribe:
1.    Visit the Chamberlin School webpage: (
2.   Click on Our Classrooms  (along the side menu on the main page)
3.   Next click on Mrs. Simpson. You will arrive at my blog!
4.   To subscribe, please enter your preferred email address in the box on the right where it says “Subscribe to Mrs. Simpson’s Blog.”
5.   After you have entered your email, click “submit.”
6. An email will be sent to you asking you to confirm your subscription. Your subscription will not go through unless you confirm this email!!

Thank you for joining! J

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Dear Third Grade Families,

                Welcome to third grade! I am looking forward to an exciting year of fun and learning! 

                Our curriculum is based on the philosophy that children grow and develop at individual rates and that they learn best when they are actively engaged through a careful balance of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities. Themes will be developed across subject areas to encompass all modes of learning.

                I feel that cooperation and communication between us is important throughout the school year.  Remember that you are your child’s first and most important teacher.  I hope you will be a partner in your child’s education.  I respect your knowledge of your child’s temperament and personality.  You know them best!  We can work together to make third grade a successful, happy year for your child. 

                As the year progresses, let me know about any changes or information that you feel is important in your child’s life that may be affecting his or her school day.  Please do not hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns, or if you’d like to set up a conference. 

                I hope the information in this letter will help to make a smooth transition back to school!  If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me. 

                                                                                                                Keelin M. Simpson


Outdoor Play/ Recess: Part of our daily schedule is 20 minutes of recess outside.  Please make sure to send your child with appropriate clothing for the weather, especially as the weather gets cooler in the fall and winter.  Please write your child’s name in his/her outdoor gear (coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, etc…). Some children choose to leave a pair of sneakers at school during the winter and spring months, wearing their boots to and from school.  There will not be extra winter clothing in the office this year, so please help your child remember everything they need.  If you wish to leave extra winter items in the classroom, feel free. 
Homework: Homework will consist of reading for 20- 30 minutes and regular weekly math activities that review what we have worked on in the classroom. Students will practice spelling words at home, too. Each week I will send home a packet of homework on Monday, and it will be due back on Friday.  I do understand that issues come up and nighttimes are very busy.  Please send a note if you need extra time for homework or have any other concerns about that night’s homework.  Home folders will go home on Mondays with the homework and come back on Fridays with the completed homework.  They will go home on Friday nights with work from the week and notices. Please help your child to remember his/her home folder on Mondays and Fridays. 

Book Orders: Book orders will be sent home monthly throughout the year.  If you choose to order books, please be sure to send a check, written to Scholastic Book Clubs.  No cash please. I will also send home a code that will enable you to place your order from your home computer.

Snack: We will have a 10-15 minute snack time early each morning.  Please make sure to send in a piece of fruit or another healthy snack for your child to enjoy at snack time.   

Birthdays: There are new school guidelines about food that is permitted to be brought into school. See your Family Handbook for more details.  If your child would like to bring something to share at school on his/her birthday, instead of sending in food, consider sending in pencils or stickers for your child to hand out to his/her classmates.

Integrated Arts Times

Monday – 12:15 PM   P.E.

Tuesday – 12:15 PM   ART

Wednesday 12:15 PM  MUSIC

Thursday – 12:15 PM  P.E.  and   12:45 PM  MUSIC

Friday – 12:15 PM Media Center

Recess and Lunch Times
11:25 – LUNCH
11:50 - RECESS

*** Please be sure to send sneakers with your child on P.E. days, and return library books on Fridays. ***

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Third Grade News

Dear Third Grade Families,

Time surely has flown!  I have enjoyed working with this amazing group of students over the past year (or two for many students).  They have grown so much, and I am so proud of them!

We wrapped up the school year with a study of area and perimeter.  We used tiles and linear pieces to build models which enhanced our understanding of these challenging math concepts.

Third grade readers read many different fairy tales and studied fairy tale motifs.  We read several different versions of Cinderella from the classic tale to Cinderellis and the Glass HillThe Rough Faced Girl, and Cinderella Skeleton.  

I wish you all a wonderful summer, and I hope you will stop by and keep me updated on all of the wonderful things your children are doing in the years to come.  Thank you for sharing your children with me.  It has been my privilege to teach and learn from them this year!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Third Grade News

Dear Third Grade Families,

We had a fabulous week in Room 15!

The SBAC testing is complete.  Yahoo!  Thanks to family members for contributing gum and Life Savers for testing time.

We enjoyed the Fun Run despite the rain.  I was proud of our class for running, walking, and singing along to the music.  Thanks for all who were able to get away from work to cheer the children on!

On Tuesday, May 17,  a Vermont author, Tracey Campbell Pearson, will be visiting Chamberlin School to speak with children about the writing process. If  your child would like to purchase a book and have it signed by the author, please return the form that was sent home today by May 17th. 

I will continue to send home a reading log for homework on Mondays throughout the rest of the school year.  It's so important for the children to read each day to develop a love of reading and increase their skills as readers.  Please encourage your child to complete the reading homework and return his/her reading log each Friday.

Have a great weekend!

Keelin M. Simpson

Friday, April 29, 2016

Third Grade News

Dear Third Grade Families, 

We had a fabulous Friday!  We began the day with a surprise breakfast of bagels and cream cheese and a special math project to celebrate all of our hard work on learning the multiplication facts.  I am very proud of our class for all of the effort and practice time they have devoted to memorizing the facts.  Way to go, third graders!

Chamberlin students filled the Bee Hive again by being safe, responsible, and respectful.  We celebrated with ice cream and extra recess at the end of the day!

Miss Lizzie came to our classroom from the Farm to School program this month.  Our class made pesto from fresh cilantro. We ate it with crackers.  It was delicious!  

Remember that we have SBAC testing in mathematics and language arts during the first two weeks of May. Students will only have reading homework during those weeks so that they can get plenty of sleep at night and have some extra time to play outside after testing during the day at school.  

Thank you to families for all you've sent in this week - bagels, zip lock bags, and cleaning wipes!  We are still in need of gum and Life Savers for students to share during our testing sessions. Your help with this would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Have a great weekend!

Keelin M. Simpson