Friday, May 13, 2016

Third Grade News

Dear Third Grade Families,

We had a fabulous week in Room 15!

The SBAC testing is complete.  Yahoo!  Thanks to family members for contributing gum and Life Savers for testing time.

We enjoyed the Fun Run despite the rain.  I was proud of our class for running, walking, and singing along to the music.  Thanks for all who were able to get away from work to cheer the children on!

On Tuesday, May 17,  a Vermont author, Tracey Campbell Pearson, will be visiting Chamberlin School to speak with children about the writing process. If  your child would like to purchase a book and have it signed by the author, please return the form that was sent home today by May 17th. 

I will continue to send home a reading log for homework on Mondays throughout the rest of the school year.  It's so important for the children to read each day to develop a love of reading and increase their skills as readers.  Please encourage your child to complete the reading homework and return his/her reading log each Friday.

Have a great weekend!

Keelin M. Simpson