Sunday, October 22, 2017

Third Grade News

Hello, Third Grade Families!
It is finally beginning to feel like fall- just in time for Halloween! Third graders will be taking a bit of time out on Tuesday to celebrate and have some fun. We will have some activities and snacks that are being organized by our Room Parent, Heather Grimes.  
November is family conference time- we are looking forward to meeting with you and sharing your child’s progress. It is also a great opportunity for us to hear from you any information that may impact on your child’s learning, or any school related concerns of which we may not be aware. Because we are working with all of the students this year, we are planning to schedule conferences so that both of us can meet with each family. Our half hour conference will be scheduled so that you have fifteen minutes with each teacher in order to cover both literacy and math.  We will send instructions for signing up in the next few days, and if you have extenuating circumstances, please leave us an email or give a call and we will be happy to accommodate your needs.
Third grade mathematicians have been working to understand the concept of multiplication.  They have learned to solve multiplication equations using repeated addition, skip counting, or finding easier facts within a more challenging fact.  For example, 7 x  8  can be solved as (5 x 8) + (2 x 8).  Students have been building arrays using egg cartons and pom poms.  They have been playing games related to counting equal groups and skip counting called Loops and Groups and Jumping on the Number Line.  You can help your child at home by practicing skip counting by numbers 2 - 9 through their multiple of 10.  Count by 2’s until you reach 20, 3’s until 30, 4’s until 40, etc…  One way that students practice skip counting at school is using the site Super Sequencer. Ask your child to show you the site. Take turns being the counter and listener.  It’s helpful for your child to listen as you skip count fluently.  Share your strategies.  How did you think of the next number?  The link to Super Sequencer is listed below.  
In literacy, we have been focusing upon how readers climb the hurdle of complex text. Students have learned that when faced with new and longer words, we need to utilize both the structure of the word (syllables, sounds) and the context of the word (synonyms, antonyms, what is happening in the story, connections) in order to ensure that we continue to get meaning from the text.  We have also been exploring figurative language, and how to utilize clues to decipher its meaning.  In our reading of Stone Fox, we have also learned to think deeply about what an author teaches us about the character, both by their words and their actions. This has led us to some additional work around character traits. Additionally, we focused upon the importance of pronouns in our reading, and making sure that we check to make sure we know who she, he, they, we, etc. is referring to!  
In writing, we are working to finish our personal narratives.  This week we were also introduced to Typing Quest, the online keyboarding program that third graders will be utilizing this year.  Our chromebooks are getting more and more use for a variety of purposes!
Third graders are expected to be reading for a minimum of 20-30 minutes at home daily. We will be adding the implementation of reading logs at home as well as at school next week. Students have been responsible for completing logs here at school and this is a task that should be familiar. Please also encourage your child to read aloud to you in order to increase both fluency and accuracy- and of course, enjoy and discuss your child’s reading with him/her!
Third grade scientists have been conducting science investigations as part of our unit about forces and motion.  They have learned that magnetic interactions exert forces on one another without touching.  Your child is bringing home a study guide about magnets today.  Please help your child to review the information on the study guide for an assessment on November 3rd.  
We are happy to announce that Ms. Sharon Robinson will be joining us on the third grade team through December. Sharon will be working with third graders in the afternoon, and will be leading the persuasive writing unit of the third grade curriculum.  She will be covering for Ms. Buley, who will be on a .5 leave for the next two months. We welcome Ms. Robinson to our team!
We are in need of cleaning wipes for our desks.  Please send in a package if you have one to spare.  Thanks!
That’s it for this week! Have a wonderful weekend!

Keelin and Kathy

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dear Third Grade Families,

Chamberlin students have filled the Bee Hive by making responsible, respectful, and safe choices here at school.  Students voted to have a Crazy Hair and Extra Recess Day.  Third graders who would like to participate should wear a crazy hairdo to school on Tuesday, October 24th.  

Third graders will be leading the Morning Meeting Assembly on Tuesday, October 24th, from 8:10 AM - 8:30 AM.  Families are welcome to attend.  

Remember that there is no school for students on Thursday or Friday this week (October 19 and 20).  

Have a great weekend!
Keelin Simpson &

Kathy Buley

Friday, October 6, 2017

Third Grade News

Dear Third Grade Families,
It’s been fun enjoying the extended summer weather with the children this year.  Now that the temperature is starting to dip, students are beginning to bring in jackets and sweatshirts. It’s always a great idea to write your child’s name on his/her clothing; especially snowpants, jackets, boots, and water bottles.  If items are found on the ground or in a different area of the school,  they are more likely to be returned to your child if they are labeled with his/her name.
This month, third graders are excited to study forces and interactions.  Students will be reading nonfiction books and conducting experiments to develop their knowledge of the science concepts listed below.
1. Forces acting on an object effect the motion of the object.
2. Electric and magnetic interactions exert forces on one another without touching.
3. Gravitational force pulls objects toward the Earth’s center.
Third grade mathematicians are beginning to learn about multiplication.  Students are learning to represent multiplication equations using loops and groups, ratio tables, arrays, and skip counting sequences. You can help your child at home by practicing skip counting for five minutes each day.  You might practice with your child while you are in the car, waiting in line at the grocery store,  or setting the table for dinner.  Skip count by numbers 3 through 9.  Count by 3’s to 30, 4’s to 40, 6’s to 60, etc… Ask your child to show you how he/she uses Super Sequencer, a skip counting program that can be found on Mrs. Simpson’s blog. Please read the attached informational letter to learn more about our study of multiplication.
In literacy, third graders are becoming more and more independent.  Students are working in book groups with books at their appropriate reading levels, and are learning the strategies of “in the text” reading- stopping along the way to make sure you are comprehending, predicting, and using the strategies that independent readers use to gain meaning from print.  We are definitely moving from “learning to read” to “reading to learn”!  We are also working as a whole group reading and discussing the book “Stone Fox”, which is our first read-aloud of the year.  This allows us to model in real time the thinking that readers should do as they interact with print.  In writing, we are continuing our work with personal narratives, and have chosen a topic to take all the way through the writing process- from choosing a topic, to revision, to editing for grammar, vocabulary, and spelling- and we will finish by typing it into a Googledoc!  Lots of hard work!
Important Note from Kathy:
I want our families to know that in the coming weeks, I will be out of the classroom quite a bit.  My mother, who is 91, is seriously ill, and I will need to be tending to her care, as well as organizing and getting in place home health services for her. Next week, I will be out all week, but the following weeks I hope to work out a schedule that will allow me to minimize my time out of the classroom.  Thankfully, our afternoon schedule allows me to be gone without losing a great deal of instructional time (students have lunch, recess, integrated arts classes).  I am preparing very careful plans, and will be working very closely with our guest teacher and Mrs. Simpson to minimize the impact on the third grade program. I appreciate your understanding. Please contact me with any questions.

Upcoming Events
  • October 10th – PTO Meeting, Chamberlin Library
  • October 11th – Open House, 6:30-7:30 PM
  • October 13th – Fire Safety Day
  • October 13th – PTO Movie Night, 7:00 PM
  • October 14th – Chamberlin Harvest Festival, 1:00-3:00 PM
  • October 19th – No School, Staff In-service
  • October 20th – No School
  • October 24th - The third grade will lead a Morning Meeting Assembly (8:10 - 8:30 AM).
Have a great weekend!

K. Simpson and K. Buley