Monday, September 23, 2019

Third Grade News - September 13th

 Dear Third Grade Families,

 Third graders did a great job during our first full week of school! We attended the first Chamberlin School Assembly of the year. Third graders traded in over 2,000 Bee Bucks for honey cells to help fill our school’s Bee Hive! In celebration of earning so many Bee Bucks, third graders were invited to eat lunch in the classroom today. They also had extra recess time with the whole school in the afternoon! Here’s some information about what your child has been learning this week. Social/Emotional Skills 
Third graders learned about positive self-talk this week. Self-talk means talking to yourself in your head or with a quiet voice. Positive self-talk can help students to focus, stay on task, and handle distractions. Self-talk can help students to manage strong emotions and make good decisions.
Third grade mathematicians reviewed the different types of addition facts within 20. See the attached Addition Facts Table. Ask your child to show you examples of the different types of math facts on the table. Ask your child to share his/her strategies for solving some of the facts. Ask your child to explain the Commutative Property of Addition (5 + 3 = 3 + 5). Ask him/her to define the word sum. Ask your child questions such as, “What’s the sum of 3 + 17?” “Are the sums of Doubles facts odd numbers, even numbers, or both odd and even numbers?” We learned that when we count by 2’s those numbers are even numbers, and when we can divide a number into two equal groups, that number is even. During Number Corner, students are learning about various ways to model multiplication facts. They have looked at examples of ratio tables, arrays, pictures, and loops and groups models for multiplication.
 During reading this week students learned about our “mini-lesson” structure. They learned that both our reading and writing lessons are short or mini and that they have three jobs during a mini-lesson to keep the lesson short. For example, holding their questions until the end of the lesson, turning and talking, and finally they must be hyper-focused on the learning at hand. Students also discovered their new just-right reading spot in the classroom and worked on their A-Reading computer assessment this week. In addition to this, third graders are now reading independently and quietly in class for 25 minutes! You have worked very hard building up your reading stamina! Nice work third graders! Writing 
 During writing students made a writing heart map that they will glue into their writing notebook. A heart map is a tool we will use this year during writing. It has labels and drawings of places, people, food, pets, memories, etc. that we care about and/or are important to us. This tool will help us come up with ideas for writing our own personal narrative, the first writing unit of the year. In the next upcoming weeks, students will be selecting small moment stories from their lives that they can write about. For example, the time I won a pizza eating contest, or the time my cat got locked in the closet, or maybe even a memory of watching leaves fall off trees. Students will be brainstorming more ideas next week in class. We have included an extra heart map in case you want to create one at home. Science 
 This week, third grade scientists conducted experiments with magnets and balloons to observe that electric and magnetic forces between objects do not require that the objects be in contact. Students observed that the force between two magnets depends on their orientation relative to each other (north pole to north pole, north pole to south pole, etc…). Students also learned the following vocabulary words: push, pull, repel, and attract.

There is an Early Release Day on 9/20/19 Friday, September 20th, is an early dismissal day for students. Students will eat lunch in the classroom to be ready for dismissal at 12:30 PM. If your child will be ordering school lunch on this date, please complete the attached lunch order form. Thank you! Upcoming Events
September 20th – Early Release, 12:30 PM Dismissal for Students
 September 28th – PTO Harvest Festival
 September 30th – PTO Fall Catalog Fundraiser Begins
October 2nd – International Walk to School Day

 Thank you to families who sent in crackers for students who have needed a snack at snack time. We are in need of baby wipes for wiping desks. if you have a spare pack at home to send in, your help would be appreciated. Have a great weekend!

Keelin Simpson and Ashley Cota

Friday, September 6, 2019


Dear Third Grade Families,

 It has been an amazing first two weeks of school! We have a wonderful group of third graders! During the first few weeks of September, our activities largely revolve around the following three themes- Getting to Know Each Other, Agreements and Routines, and Getting Ready to Learn. We practice Chamberlin School’s “Three Bees”: Be Responsible, Be Safe, and Be Respectful in all of the places and spaces in our school. By taking the time at the beginning of the school year to establish a caring learning environment in which expectations are clear, we ensure future learning will proceed in a productive manner. Here are the latest updates from our first two weeks together in Third Grade! 

Third graders have been learning several different skills to help increase learning including: how to focus our attention and how to listen respectfully. Check out the attached family letter for more information about what students have learned as part of our Second Step program for positive social-emotional growth.
Third grade mathematicians have created and interpreted scaled picture and bar graphs. Students have worked on making agreements about what our classroom will look and sound like during partner and group work times. Students have shared about their learning preferences by organizing and representing their information as a glyph and a picture graph. Students have created a survey and are collecting data to be shared as a scaled bar graph with several categories. Ask your child to teach you how to play Make the Sum at home. We learned how to play the original version and “variation C” on the attached instructions.
During Writing students have worked on their Star Student Poster. This poster will be displayed in the hallway and teaches others about what makes each third grade student unique. Spelling and Reading We have taken spelling assessments with Ms. Cota to learn our just-right level. During reading, students have learned how to find just-right books. We have also had lessons on fake versus real reading. Right now students are working on building up their reading stamina. Both classes can already read for 20 minutes comfortably in their selected reading spots. Nice job third graders! Science 
During Science students learned how to respectfully collaborate with a group while completing two exciting experiments last Friday. The first experiment was called Save Fred. Fred is a gummy worm who needed help getting his life jacket on. The challenge was we could not touch Fred with our hands, we could only use paper clips and support each other! The second experiment was an engineering task called The Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge. Students were challenged to build the tallest possible tower that could support a marshmallow using a limited supply of materials. This Friday we began exploring the idea of life cycles. Students have enjoyed observing our class caterpillars journey through their life cycle towards becoming Painted Lady Butterflies.
Upcoming Events: 
September 10th – Welcome Assembly, 8:10-8:30 AM, Kindergarten and New Family Welcome Coffee, 8:00-9:00 AM
Picture Day is on Wednesday, September 11th. Order forms were sent home last Friday. Let us know if you need another copy.
September 17th – Buzz Assembly, 8:10-8:30 AM

Happy Friday!
 Keelin Simpson and Ashley Cota